Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Practice #3

Tuesday night's practice was quite different for both Blaze and myself. My team did the same brutal tackling, poaching, and rucking drills that we did in our first practice. It was live, full contact the entire time. Pretty rough drill. Then we followed it by doing sprints with running backwards and hitting the ground and getting back up in between for about 35 minutes! It was a rough night for my team. Our end of practice conditioninng went so long that our host, Dave, and Blaze drove home without me because they didn't feel like waiting for my team to finish (that is how long we went)! I ended up catching a ride home with one of the other boys. When I returned to the house I asked Blaze how his practice was and he responded, "I did not break a sweat during practice, but I scored two tries in touch!" Meanwhile, I was standing there drenched in sweat and mud with a black eye feeling tired as could be! Anyways, practice was still good and we both had fun. We will keep you updated with how our rugby experience is going.

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